APU Course Offering

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Course Details - Snow & Avalanche Science for Professionals I

This course explores the properties of weather, terrain, and snow pack that lead to snow avalanches. The course will also address avalanche rescue techniques and career opportunities in the field of snow science. Content covers avalanche level 2 curriculum. Prerequisite: OS 11200 or instructor permission. Satisfies SI Biological/Physical Scientific Inquiry.

Course Information

Course ID: OS 21000 S01 Department: Outdoor Studies
Course Name: Snow & Avalanche Science for Professionals I Level: Undergraduate
Term: 2025 SPRING (Session) Campus: MAIN
Credits: 4 Instructor: St. Clair, Anne E
Seats Remaining: 1 Total Lab Fees: $150.00
Start Date: 02/03/2025 End Date: 04/25/2025
    Census Date: 02/12/2025
* the course start date and end dates may be different than the first and last days in the teaching schedule.


* Book and material pricing within the portal are vendor estimates only, and are subject to change without notice or updates within the student portal. Please refer to MBS Direct and other book sellers for current pricing.

Book Title Author ISBN Number Required 
Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain, 3rd EditionBruce Tremper 978-1-68051-138-3Yes

Teaching Schedule

Days: M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday.
Instructor Room Start Date End Date Days Start Time End Time 
St. Clair, Anne EOC-FIELD02/03/202504/25/2025F 8:00 AM 5:00 PM
St. Clair, Anne EGH-31502/03/202504/25/2025R 4:30 PM 6:50 PM

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